Yes, this is a real tiger Kenneth Paul Baclawski

Professor Baclawski's primary research area is data semantics. He has engaged in a large diversity of areas that require an understanding of data for interoperability of systems, integration of data from diverse sources, inference, question answering and data mining. Some of the areas that he has contributed to include formal methods for software engineering and software modeling, data mining in biology and medicine, semantic collaboration tools, situation awareness, information fusion, self-aware and self-adaptive systems, and wireless communication.

Professor Baclawski is the inventor of 23 patents. He has authored over 360 professional articles in such journals and conferences as the National Academy of Science, Information Systems, the International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, and the International Semantic Web Conference. He has served on numerous peer review panels for the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the Association for Computing Machinery and has served on many program committees of research conferences. He has served as a consultant to companies and government laboratories, and has edited and written several books and research monographs.

Professor Baclawski retired at the end of June 2017, but continues to engage in research and professional activites.

Research Profile
Curriculum Vitæ

Categorized Publications

Introduction to Probability with R

Kenneth Paul Baclawski